News by Traude Fritz TRADE & BUSINESS › GOStanford

Stanford | Engineering
Certificate of Participation TRAUDE FRITZ
Thursday, 4. November 2021, 12:32
2021 Summer Master Course Series
Participation at Affiliate Program Webinar Series- Methods of Innovation: From Concepts to Reality Webinar #4
Stanford University Nanoscale Prototyping Laboratory
Thursday, 24. September 2020, 10:00
The Hypothesis-Driven Startup and a New Model for Early-Stage Investing
Participation at GoStanford - "Stanford: Methods of Innovation" - Webinar #3
"From Concepts to Reality. Raising money in Silicon Valley - Preparation, Process, and Post Closing
Tuesday, 21. July 2020, 14:57
20th July 2020
Participation at GoStanford - "Stanford: Methods of Innovation" - Webinar #2
"Deep Technology Investing for both Profit and Global Impact: Projects that can Lead to 10X change, not 10% change"
Tuesday, 9. June 2020, 07:17
10th June 2020
Participation at GoStanford - "Stanford: Methods of Innovation" - Webinar #1
„Creative Disruption – An Entrepreneur’s Journey to Drive Change in a Major Industry“„Creative Disruption – An Entrepreneur’s Journey to Drive Change
Thursday, 14. May 2020, 13:33
13th May 2020